Monthly Archives: February 2012

How Did I…..

Oh, wow. Damn! That is a doozy of a headache. What in the hell? Ok, eyes open, have to get to the aspirin.

“Good morning. Glad you could join us today.”

“Um, yea. What….?”

“I am just here to get your vitals. Someone will be along shortly for anything else you need.”

Why am I in a hospital room? I hurt like hell, but a nurse? Tubes in my arm? Everything is fuzzy. What do I remember?

Ready for work as usual; oh hell. Big fight before I left, bitchin’ at me for drinking again. Great start to the day. Work was usual except for the phone calls; three if I remember correctly. All still complaining about the night before.

Met Tim and Rick at the sports bar after work, damn sure was not going home after being yelled at all day. She needs to give it a rest, I don’t drink that much. Watched most of the game, had a few beers, headed home. Nothing unusual there except that I stopped answering the calls. We would talk when I got home.

Then she started texting; she knows I hate that. Most of them I ignored, finally could not stand it anymore. I texted her that I would be home in a minute, looked up at the road…..

Dog, swerve, tree. Damn. That is the last thing I remember. How bad am I hurt? I seem to ache all over, but nothing seems to be moving when i want it to. Wait a minute.

Why isn’t she here?

Day Services Unit waiting room

Image via Wikipedia

Written for the Flashy Fiction prompt of ‘one thing leads to another.’


Filed under Creative writing, Flash Fiction, Short Story

$10 a Stack

it is a noble purpose
to provide heat and
shelter to the ones
with legs.
It has been the lot
of my kind for many
generations, and
many more after.
It is noble,
but the price
cuts deep.

English: Firewood Español: Leños Français : Bo...

Image via Wikipedia









Written for We Write Poems.


Filed under Poetry, Poetry - Prompts

February Haiku Challenge – 29

We are so often
focused on destination
we miss the journey.


Filed under Haiku, Poetry, Poetry - Prompts

What To Do?

There is that crinkle
she gets,
just … there,
on her forehead.
Cute actually,
though I would
dare not say,
for its presence
demands attention —
an action on my part.
A kiss? Caress?
Concerned question?
A minefield of actions,
emotions for me to
one path to a smile,
Others to explosions,


Written for Three Word Wednesday. words to include: crinkle, demand, navigate


Filed under Poetry, Poetry - Prompts


The church is prepared,
the way she pictured it —
white lace hanging, flowers
on the pews, everything bright.

The preacher is prepared,
waiting at the front with
Bible in hand, appropriate
words and vows memorized.

The groom is ready, waiting,
thinking he is prepared,
to take this woman
I can only think of as a child.

She is most certainly prepared
for this day of her dreams,
setting out on love’s journey,
radiant and confident.

Now, she waits for me,
to open the doors,
walk her down the aisle —
I could never be prepared.

Father and Bride

Father and Bride (Photo credit: edenpictures)








Written for the Poetry Jam prompt for a poem about repetition and the Poetic asides prompt for one about preparation.


Filed under Poetry, Poetry - Prompts







You need to be early
to get the best mussels,
out on the chill flats while
the tide is out and the
morning mists are low.

It has been my routine
every Saturday since
I was married, as with
my mother and generations
of women in my family.

I fill my baskets, made by
hand under her critical eye;
the grandchildren do not like
how the weaves now smell of
old seawater and clams.

Tonight the mussels will
simmer in wine with garlic,
the old women will joke about
the young ones being so
eager to open like the shells.

Written for the Tuesday Tryouts with Margo Roby.


Filed under Poetry, Poetry - Prompts

February Haiku Challenge – 28

Listen to stillness
absorb quiet through your pores,
feel the creation
come alive
slowly release
your awakened words.
Set free the imagery
of thoughts buried in your soul,
give them freedom upon the page;
let them rage and play games with the pen,
until your heart’s blood replaces the ink.

Breathe Sculpture, UCO


Filed under Haiku, Poetry, Poetry - Prompts

February Haiku Challenge – 27

Timid opening
Past David’s Star, broken hearts,
Gates of Israel.

Written for The Haiku Challenge 2012 – Day 27 – February 27th – Theme: Paint the Image
Photo Clicked by Siva of: Siva’s Art Work


Filed under Haiku, Poetry, Poetry - Prompts

Away Too Long

No guidebook is needed
when the destination is home.

The roads are familiar,
street names like family,
restaurants look the same
with menus that never change.
Things to do, places to see,
ingrained in memory —
the faces are all older,
the people still the same.

The easiest path to travel,
hardest journey to begin.

Street scene, possibly in Brockton, Mass. (LOC)

Street scene, possibly in Brockton, Mass. (LOC) (Photo credit: The Library of Congress)











Written for the Poetic Bloomings ‘Travel” Prompt


Filed under Poetry, Poetry - Prompts

Picking a Muse








It is 3 a.m. and
Andy goes shopping
for his muse.

Amongst the cereal and
cabbages and condoms,

the frozen pizzas, peas
and pirogues; the peanuts,

prostitutes, ham and humas
and hot dogs —

he choose soup…
and made millions.

Posted to the Mag

Photo Credit: Bob Adelman


Filed under Poetry, Poetry - Prompts