
Treasure collected
throughout life, stored in a niche,
found there after death.

used to be dad's

Haiku written for Sunday Scribblings and One Single Impression


Filed under Haiku, Poetry, Poetry - Prompts

9 responses to “Futile

  1. Poignant! As my husband and I grow older we often talk of all the things we’ve collected, and treasures saved, and wonder if our children will designate them to the trashcan or sales table, or if they might sense some of the magic they once held for us.

  2. This question always haunts..for me it’s my collection of books.. very touchy and nicely crafted haiku…Thanks!!

  3. Lisa at Greenbow

    I too am at ‘that’ age. My home is like a niche filled with treasures only I could love.

  4. Yes, this a problem as we get older all the treasures we surround ourselves with are but nothing to others and die with us.

  5. an old couple in my neighborhood died, and their kids got a dumpster and emptied out the house….it was so sad to see every memory, every treasure trashed…..that’s why I try not to collect much stuff….I don’t even have kids to clean out my niches!!

  6. Beautifully written lines !!!

  7. I like the vagueness in this. I think it is a collection of poetry.

  8. jcosmonewbery

    Yes, my aunt died, living off old chipped crockery and ‘saving’ her good stuff. A good reminder to enjoy what we have. Thank you.

  9. I can relate- so many “treaures” that only I can appreciate but yes- this is a good reminder to use and enjoy the treasures we have because we can’t take them with us. Nicely done!

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